3 Kent Way
Byfield, MA 01922

Parker River Dental

Do you want to feel like yourself again?
Have you tried everything, yet nothing works?
Are you overwhelmed by your diagnosis?
Have you been told that you have an autoimmune disease and nothing can be done?
Are you looking for alternatives to medicine?

As functional nutrition counselors we are trained to SEE the WHOLE person. Our healthcare system has failed us by dividing into specialties and treating us like we are pieces of a puzzle that do not interact with one another. Our bodies are a complicated web of interactions greatly affected by diet and lifestyle. A disease is not a "thing" with a life of its own, separate from the person it is affecting; it does not exist in a vacuum. We are here to help you take control of your health and allow you to feel your best and do all that you love.
"Everything is Connected and we are all unique"
The roots that we look for in root cause resolution exist in an environmental terrain. Just as the roots of a health issue grow in an environment that is conducive to that problem.
Functional nutrition bridges the gap between modern medicine providers and their patients to help the individual overcome chronic health problems and start living their best lives.
Let Dr. Davies and her husband Doug Davis help you shift that terrain.

Contact Dr. Davies or Doug Davis Today
3 Kent Way
Byfield, MA 01922